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Monday, September 17, 2012
Friday, August 3, 2012
How To's
This is an informational and educational site for you, how-to guides, how-to videos, courses, lessons, tutorials, e-books as well as other reference resources and places to ask questions both online and on your mobile.

Sunday, July 8, 2012
Make money on EBay
Make money on EBay
eBay is the world's largest online marketplace, where practically anyone can buy and sell practically anything. Here is the way to make money.
Things You'll Need
Ebay account
Internet connection
Knowledge of how to sell on Ebay
Research skills
Digital camera
Good writing skills
Ability to listen and take notes
Pen or pencil
Phone book
Microsoft Word or other program used to create receipts
1 Take good quality photos of items that you will be selling for people in and around your local area. Yes, you just discovered the secret: listing and selling other people's unwanted items on Ebay.
2 Sit down and figure up the percentage of commission and other fees that you want to charge. The normal fee for this service usually runs around 30% or more. If you plan to pay the Ebay listing fees yourself, you could try to figure those fees into your percentage to ensure that you come out ahead and not lose money, because the point of this is to make money. If you would rather charge a certain percentage for commission and the listing fee, then you need to let your customers know they will have to pay the listing fees as well as the percentage fee.
3 Advertise your Ebay selling service to people in your local area.
4 Grab the phone book and write down the names and phone numbers of all the pawn shops in the areas you are willing to travel to.
5 Call the pawn shops you just wrote down. Explain your service to them and ask if they would like to schedule an appointment with you to learn more and get set up to sell items they would like to clear off their shelves.
6 To gain more customers, call all the local papers in your area and the areas your willing to travel to. When you reach someone, ask him or her how much it would cost to run a text ad in the classified section of the paper.
7 Figure up how much it will cost you to run a text ad in each of the newspapers you just called.
8.Write a short text ad to place in each of the newspapers you called. Here is a sample ad that you are more than welcome to use (replace the x's with your information):
Do you have unwanted items that you don't have time to sell yourself? Well, you're in luck! Give me a call today and I'll sell all those unwanted items for you. You keep x% of the sell and I'll keep x%. I'll meet you at your place or in public to take pictures of the items you have to sell and discuss the details with you. Ready to get those unwanted items out of your way? Call xxx-xxx-xxxx for more information and/or to arrange for pickup!
9 Create flyers to hang up in stores that are located in the areas you plan to travel.
10 By now you should have appointments with potential customers, so your next step is to keep those appointments. Once you meet with each potential customer, explain what fees they will pay, ask them questions about the items you will be selling for them and write their answers down (questions to list about the item), and then answer any questions they may have. Also, find out if they know how much their unwanted items are worth. If they do not, then let them know you will be happy to find out for them, and tell them the research is free--a part of the service you are providing.
11 Let each customer know you have to take the item(s) with you in order to take photos and ship them to the winning bidder. Your customers may not feel comfortable doing this, so it is best to have a contract written up for you to both sign and date.
12 If you need to research to find out approximately how much some of your customer's unwanted items are worth, do this now. Then call the customer to let him or her know the value, and ask what the minimum is that he or she is willing to sell each item for. After all, it is their item, and by doing this you are allowing them to have a say. Before ending the conversation, let your customer know what you'll start the opening bid at. Point out that each item could sell for more than the minimum price set.
13 Take pictures of each unwanted item with your digital camera. After taking the pictures, download them into your computer and save them in jpeg or gif format.
14 List the unwanted items on Ebay with a well-written, detailed description of each. Don't forget to include the photos.
15 After you have sold the unwanted items, immediately ship them to the winning bidder(s).
16 Create a receipt for your customer (refer to photo for a sample).
17 Call your customer to arrange a date and time to meet and give him or her their money and receipt.
18 After you have given your customer his or her money, see if he or she has any more unwanted items they would like you to sell for them. If not, leave your business card and let him or her know they can call you when they have more unwanted items.
Things You'll Need
Ebay account
Internet connection
Knowledge of how to sell on Ebay
Research skills
Digital camera
Good writing skills
Ability to listen and take notes
Pen or pencil
Phone book
Microsoft Word or other program used to create receipts
1 Take good quality photos of items that you will be selling for people in and around your local area. Yes, you just discovered the secret: listing and selling other people's unwanted items on Ebay.
2 Sit down and figure up the percentage of commission and other fees that you want to charge. The normal fee for this service usually runs around 30% or more. If you plan to pay the Ebay listing fees yourself, you could try to figure those fees into your percentage to ensure that you come out ahead and not lose money, because the point of this is to make money. If you would rather charge a certain percentage for commission and the listing fee, then you need to let your customers know they will have to pay the listing fees as well as the percentage fee.
3 Advertise your Ebay selling service to people in your local area.
4 Grab the phone book and write down the names and phone numbers of all the pawn shops in the areas you are willing to travel to.
5 Call the pawn shops you just wrote down. Explain your service to them and ask if they would like to schedule an appointment with you to learn more and get set up to sell items they would like to clear off their shelves.
6 To gain more customers, call all the local papers in your area and the areas your willing to travel to. When you reach someone, ask him or her how much it would cost to run a text ad in the classified section of the paper.
7 Figure up how much it will cost you to run a text ad in each of the newspapers you just called.
8.Write a short text ad to place in each of the newspapers you called. Here is a sample ad that you are more than welcome to use (replace the x's with your information):
Do you have unwanted items that you don't have time to sell yourself? Well, you're in luck! Give me a call today and I'll sell all those unwanted items for you. You keep x% of the sell and I'll keep x%. I'll meet you at your place or in public to take pictures of the items you have to sell and discuss the details with you. Ready to get those unwanted items out of your way? Call xxx-xxx-xxxx for more information and/or to arrange for pickup!
9 Create flyers to hang up in stores that are located in the areas you plan to travel.
10 By now you should have appointments with potential customers, so your next step is to keep those appointments. Once you meet with each potential customer, explain what fees they will pay, ask them questions about the items you will be selling for them and write their answers down (questions to list about the item), and then answer any questions they may have. Also, find out if they know how much their unwanted items are worth. If they do not, then let them know you will be happy to find out for them, and tell them the research is free--a part of the service you are providing.
11 Let each customer know you have to take the item(s) with you in order to take photos and ship them to the winning bidder. Your customers may not feel comfortable doing this, so it is best to have a contract written up for you to both sign and date.
12 If you need to research to find out approximately how much some of your customer's unwanted items are worth, do this now. Then call the customer to let him or her know the value, and ask what the minimum is that he or she is willing to sell each item for. After all, it is their item, and by doing this you are allowing them to have a say. Before ending the conversation, let your customer know what you'll start the opening bid at. Point out that each item could sell for more than the minimum price set.
13 Take pictures of each unwanted item with your digital camera. After taking the pictures, download them into your computer and save them in jpeg or gif format.
14 List the unwanted items on Ebay with a well-written, detailed description of each. Don't forget to include the photos.
15 After you have sold the unwanted items, immediately ship them to the winning bidder(s).
16 Create a receipt for your customer (refer to photo for a sample).
17 Call your customer to arrange a date and time to meet and give him or her their money and receipt.
18 After you have given your customer his or her money, see if he or she has any more unwanted items they would like you to sell for them. If not, leave your business card and let him or her know they can call you when they have more unwanted items.
Easy Extra Money- Writing and Publishing
Easy Extra Money
Writing and Publishing
Start a career in writing,
develop a writing related business or write and publish your own books,
courses, articles and more.
The ability to write and publish information, and
communicate that information successfully to others, plays a vital role in
business and personal success.
In business you must be able
Write good copy for advertising to spread the word
about your products and/or services and your business.
Write promotional material. This could be a press
release, report, brochure, flyer, booklets or pamphlet related to your product
or service to give to your customers.
Write business related correspondence - letters, memos,
faxes, business plans, mission statements, business proposals, technical
documents and user manuals related to your products and services.
Publish newsletters for your customers.
Write information for e-mails, blogs, social media
sites and more.
Or perhaps, you are one of the many who already do, or
would like to, make your living writing and publishing in the form of - books,
booklets, manuals, reports, guides, directories, training courses, articles and
more to sell.
Writing and Publishing as a
Career Option
These days, it's becoming increasingly difficult to
make ends meet with just one source of income. More and more people are now
deciding to investigate the possibilities of starting their own extra income
Advances in technology and communications that did not
exist just a few years ago now provides a variety of writing options to start a
career for both new and professional writers to market their own, or someone
else's, knowledge and information to start a profitable writing business
selling a range of products and services to local and international markets.
Many writers and publishers
Creating, packaging and marketing their own specialized
knowledge in the form of books, booklets, manuals, reports, newsletters,
informational audio and video products etc to sell to customers from their web
site and through direct mail to capture both markets.
Developing home based careers as independent freelance
writers selling feature articles to newspapers and magazines and offering
writing related services to local and international clients.
Combining writing and publishing with photography and
starting a home based career in the fields of photojournalism, travel writing,
stock photography or producing a range of calendars, postcards, posters,
pictorial "coffee table" books, or photographs for brochures,
reports, business cards, letterheads and much more.
Conducting interviews and gathering quality data and
information on the current "hot" trends through research to quickly
turn into a range of saleable products.
Developing self-learning training courses for local and
online students worldwide.
Providing book layout and/or book cover design services
for clients.
Whatever level of expertise you are currently at -
beginner or professional - you will find tips, ideas and resources in the
article library to help to start and run a writing and publishing business and
to plan, design and publish high quality, in demand, documents that can be sold
both online and offline to a wide audience.
Hobby Money
It certainly
is not easy to simply turn something that you do primarily for fun into an
enterprise that practically prints money overnight, but that is not to say that
you can’t turn a regular hobby into a money making hobby. In fact, many people
all over the world have been quite successful with monetizing the hobbies that
they have enjoyed all of their lives. A hobby business is a bit different than
a standard business, of course, and there are specific tips that should be
followed in order to be successful. Here are some basic steps that can get you
on the right track in no time.
The first step is to figure out how you can turn an interest into a money making hobby. What is meant by this is that you must have some kind of end product or service that you can offer in exchange for the money of your customers. Sometimes, this is easy to figure out: if you like making crafts, you can sell your crafts. If you are an artist, you can do commissioned work. Other times, it can require a bit of creativity.
For instance, how would you turn a love of gardening into a profitable hobby business? There are a couple of things that you could do. You could start a website full of gardening tips, including videos, pictures and forums for fellow gardeners to chat with one another about a variety of topics. If you are successful, advertising revenue will come in from those who want some page clicks through your site’s traffic. You could even write eBooks with tips and help in specific areas of gardening, too.
The next step is to get your name out there! There is a reason that advertising (and its big brother, marketing) is a multi-billion dollar industry: because you can’t sell anything if customers don’t know about what you do! If you already have connections within the local or worldwide community of your money making hobby of choice, that’s a great start.
If not, it’s time to start building them. Know your potential customers, your suppliers (if supplies are needed), and even your competition. Later on, organizing events and even seminars based around your hobby can be a profitable extension of your business, and you will need to establish connections to do those things.
Finally, determine what you can do to take things to the “next level”. For example, a website may be a great way to allow those who are not local to you to support your business. You can even use a website to promote your products and services locally, by putting the address on business cards or local advertisements for those who want more information. Every money making hobby needs this kind of support.
These are just a few of the beginning steps to turning what was just a hobby into a money making hobby.
Extra Money From Home Making and Selling Spa Products
With some hard work and by following the ideal steps, you can do this as a business activity and make quite a bit of cash. If it sounds like something you would be interested in, here are some quick steps to follow.
Obviously, before you can even get started, you have to make sure that your abilities and your products are up to par. If you aren’t capable of making high quality spa products, you simply won’t have a lot of success in your goal to earn extra money from home. Before you get started, you should make sure that you have met this goal, or all of your other efforts will be for naught.
Second, you will have to make sure that you have any equipment and supplies that may be needed in order to make and sell spa products. As someone who is already familiar with making high quality spa products, you should already know exactly what is needed, along with what it may cost to get the supplies that you have to have. It is important to budget your business accordingly, and set prices that will allow you to make a decent profit (and thus, earn extra money from home) after taking into account the cost of your supplies and other business activities.
As a third step, make sure that you have everything settled and ready to go on the business side of things. This means being ready to keep track of expenses, sales and other important financial information, as well as having a good process going as far as making your products in a timely fashion to keep up with demand.
Before you go much further, you have to get the word out about your products. With this specific type of business, you will need to have a strong relationship with spas, beauty shops and other similar businesses. After all, you will earn extra money from home mostly by selling your products in these locations. You can also build a website in order to increase knowledge and awareness of your products, and you can put up posters and other advertisements to do the same. Don’t forget to take advantage of Social Networking websites like Facebook, too.
The fifth and final step is the most important one of all: continue to create quality products. If your products are not satisfactory, all the advertising and business know-how in the world will not be able to help you to make money. Customers have to be able to depend on you to provide a consistently high level of quality. Furthermore, you should be prepared to expand your line of products if necessary, or tweak your formulas in order to address customer issues or concerns.
These steps should get you off to a good start. You will have to work hard, but you can definitely earn extra money from home by making and selling spa products!
The first step is to figure out how you can turn an interest into a money making hobby. What is meant by this is that you must have some kind of end product or service that you can offer in exchange for the money of your customers. Sometimes, this is easy to figure out: if you like making crafts, you can sell your crafts. If you are an artist, you can do commissioned work. Other times, it can require a bit of creativity.
For instance, how would you turn a love of gardening into a profitable hobby business? There are a couple of things that you could do. You could start a website full of gardening tips, including videos, pictures and forums for fellow gardeners to chat with one another about a variety of topics. If you are successful, advertising revenue will come in from those who want some page clicks through your site’s traffic. You could even write eBooks with tips and help in specific areas of gardening, too.
The next step is to get your name out there! There is a reason that advertising (and its big brother, marketing) is a multi-billion dollar industry: because you can’t sell anything if customers don’t know about what you do! If you already have connections within the local or worldwide community of your money making hobby of choice, that’s a great start.
If not, it’s time to start building them. Know your potential customers, your suppliers (if supplies are needed), and even your competition. Later on, organizing events and even seminars based around your hobby can be a profitable extension of your business, and you will need to establish connections to do those things.
Finally, determine what you can do to take things to the “next level”. For example, a website may be a great way to allow those who are not local to you to support your business. You can even use a website to promote your products and services locally, by putting the address on business cards or local advertisements for those who want more information. Every money making hobby needs this kind of support.
These are just a few of the beginning steps to turning what was just a hobby into a money making hobby.
Extra Money From Home Making and Selling Spa Products
With some hard work and by following the ideal steps, you can do this as a business activity and make quite a bit of cash. If it sounds like something you would be interested in, here are some quick steps to follow.
Obviously, before you can even get started, you have to make sure that your abilities and your products are up to par. If you aren’t capable of making high quality spa products, you simply won’t have a lot of success in your goal to earn extra money from home. Before you get started, you should make sure that you have met this goal, or all of your other efforts will be for naught.
Second, you will have to make sure that you have any equipment and supplies that may be needed in order to make and sell spa products. As someone who is already familiar with making high quality spa products, you should already know exactly what is needed, along with what it may cost to get the supplies that you have to have. It is important to budget your business accordingly, and set prices that will allow you to make a decent profit (and thus, earn extra money from home) after taking into account the cost of your supplies and other business activities.
As a third step, make sure that you have everything settled and ready to go on the business side of things. This means being ready to keep track of expenses, sales and other important financial information, as well as having a good process going as far as making your products in a timely fashion to keep up with demand.
Before you go much further, you have to get the word out about your products. With this specific type of business, you will need to have a strong relationship with spas, beauty shops and other similar businesses. After all, you will earn extra money from home mostly by selling your products in these locations. You can also build a website in order to increase knowledge and awareness of your products, and you can put up posters and other advertisements to do the same. Don’t forget to take advantage of Social Networking websites like Facebook, too.
The fifth and final step is the most important one of all: continue to create quality products. If your products are not satisfactory, all the advertising and business know-how in the world will not be able to help you to make money. Customers have to be able to depend on you to provide a consistently high level of quality. Furthermore, you should be prepared to expand your line of products if necessary, or tweak your formulas in order to address customer issues or concerns.
These steps should get you off to a good start. You will have to work hard, but you can definitely earn extra money from home by making and selling spa products!
Friday, July 6, 2012
Recent Activity

Leopard Print, Furry Baby Booties by Happy Solez
5 likes6 repins
so pretty!!
19 likes2 comments43 repins

Katherine A onto fashion

Fenya Kashergen this style doesn't seem very praticle to me.

Koko Bryanson In response to fenya kashergen yes it is and it's beautiful
DIY? This looks pretty complicated, but it is really pretty
22 likes43 repins

Katherine A onto fashion
Kelly Osbourne got on the worst-dressed list for this, but I think it's kinda cool :) What do you think?
13 likes3 comments4 repins

Katherine A onto fashion

Ty Vh really? she did?... i also think its pretty cool

Tammie Northam I think going against the grain is very creative. I like it.

Koko Bryanson I love it being mainstream is for losers
18 likes2 comments27 repins

Erin Bell @Rebecca McNally... ENJOY! :-)

Lori Dowgielewicz YUMMY!!!!
A pink bar! Fit for an ultra-chic chick
10 likes1 comment24 repins

Katherine A onto Home Goodness

Katherine A This is too funny with the bar-theme and the floral teacups!
Tasting Boards / Europe2you {fun tasting boards...i would want more than 3...}
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working on this...
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Stuff marshmallows BEFORE you roast them! Chocolate chips, peanut butter cups, strawberries...endless possibilities. Genius!
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Be Yourself // Illustrated by Molly Jacques
19 likes54 repins
this child. oh. my. gosh.
25 likes87 repins
Pinata Costume
30 likes5 comments86 repins

Jennifer Calamia cuttest thing i have ever seen!

Monica Wilson Perfect for the kid who needs to get beaten with a bat.

EDnä GArciä super cute! best costume ever!!

Ruth Carmina Aaww so cute!! Just b one hit him wating for the candys xD

Emma Hotter This child does not need to take a beating.....however, the parents do for dressing them up like this!
the perfect inspiration to bring lunch to work.
8 likes1 comment13 repins

Ariel Morrissey @Laura Kaululaau
Wrap up twenty-five children's books and put them under the tree with a special blanket next to them. Before bed each evening, your kids choose one book to open and read together until Christmas. Love this idea!
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Joanna Goddard Image Via: A Cup of Jo #ScallopedStripesDress
1 repin
Taylor Swift #ScallopedStripesDressImage Via: MTV Style
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New Pinterest Tool, "Pinstamatic"
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