
How to prevent spam

Spam: If you have an email address I bet you're fed up with the unsolicited mail you receive. The increase in spam has virtually relegated email as an adult only facility. Spam is a waste of our time. Many spam emails are obscene, many are offensive or insulting to one's intelligence e.g. "I have a zillion pounds that I want to put into your bank account, please fax your bank account details to me...
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Computer Basics

On any given day, you will encounter computer systems in much of what you do, even if you don’t realize it. The television channels you watch, the radio stations that you listen to, the car that you drive in, and even the cash register at the local grocery store are all controlled in some way by computer systems! They help us perform tasks, keep track of information, and even control .......(read more)

Common Computer Terms

What is the Internet?

·        A network of computers around the world that uses the same Protocol.

Who owns/controls the Internet?
·        No-one and every-one.

Is it possible to stop the Internet?
·        Not Possible.

Which year did the Internet start?
·        1957 – Russia launched Sputnik.

·        1958 – USA developed ARTHUR.
Are the Internet and the World Wide Web (www) the same thing?

·        No the WWW use is based on HTTP, Hyper Text Transfer Protocol, developed by Tim Burners Lee.

Which year was the WWW started?
·        1992 ........(read more)

Modify the Start Menu

How can I modify my Start Menu or “Help! I

 can't find 'My Computer'”?

With Windows XP, or higher, you have a choice between the Classic Start Menus and the new "Bubblier" version. If the NEW version is active, you may not see "My Computer" or "My Documents" or other familiar icons on your desktop.
Instead, you will find them in the Start Menu.
This is a picture of what the Windows XP Start Menu looks like. Notice that is includes two columns. The one on the left is for commonly accessed programs. The one on the right, providesaccess to areas on your computer......(read more)

Windows 7/ Vista runs too slowly, How can I speed it up?

Windows Vista/ Windows 7 come with many options to make things a little more flashy and pleasing to the eye. Examples of this are the smooth transitions between windows and graphical alt-tab setup. While these features look good, they are not required to run windows Vista and can be turned off to increase performance on machines that are having trouble running the operating system.  
You can also remove some of the preinstalled "junk" that comes with vista if you do not feel you will need them......  (read more)

Taking a Screen Capture With Windows 7

The Snipping Tool is a new feature that Microsoft has included with Windows 7. It is a lightweight screen capture tool that can have many applications.   For example let’s say you keep getting an error message and you want the Helpdesk to see what you saw, open the snipping tool and grab a snapshot to send with your helpdesk request. The following article will cover how to use of the Snipping Tool.
Let’s start by opening the Snipping tool. To do this click on the Start Menu and type “snipping tool” in the search box. Above the search box under “Programs” click on “Snipping Tool” to open the application.....(read more)

How to Screen Shots

To take a screen shot of the entire desktop, press the PRINT SCREEN key (often to the right of F12). This will copy an image of the desktop to your Clipboard.......(read more)

How to convert pdf and doc files to another file format

With all the different business practices of the world today, its important to make documents in multiple formats so that you can provide the largest amount of variability to the end product.  In order to do this, we need to convert from one fileformat to another often......(read more)

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